Dinosaurs Take Over Seattle Convention Center This Weekend
Photo courtesy of Jurassic Quest

Get ready for a prehistoric party, Seattle. Jurassic Quest, North America’s biggest dinosaur experience, stomps into the Seattle Convention Center this weekend, April 5-7 only.

This family-friendly event features a herd of enormous (and roaring) dinosaurs. This year’s experience of stepping back in time offers up new activities including a “Raptor Run” race where kids face off with the notoriously fast Jurassic Quest Utahraptors. The youngsters can also “Rope-a-Raptor” (with help from an experienced “BrontoBusters”) where they can lasso stray dinos back into their pens.

What to expect

Life-sized dinosaurs: Walk among towering giants like the 80-foot Apatosaurus and the 60-foot Spinosaurus.
Interactive experiences: Kids can race Utahraptors in “Raptor Run,” lasso runaway dinos in “Rope-a-Raptor,” and unearth hidden treasures in a giant fossil dig.
Live shows and activities: Meet and greet baby dinosaurs, learn from dino trainers, and participate in science and art activities.
Fun for all ages: There’s a designated soft play area for little ones, photo opportunities with your favorite dinos, and themed rides for an unforgettable adventure.

Public Hours and Ticketing

Open to the public Friday, April 5th to Sunday, April 7th (Friday Noon-8pm, Saturday 9am-8pm, Sunday 9am-7pm).
Advance online ticket purchase is recommended. Discounted rates available for kids, adults, and seniors.
General admission includes live shows, arts and crafts, and dinosaur exhibits. Additional activities require separate tickets available on-site.

Here’s a taste of what you can expect from Jurassic Quest and the invasion of dinosaurs in Seattle this weekend.
all photos courtesy of Jurassic Quest