Review: ‘Cowboys with Questions’ Successfully Blends Ancient Themes with Modern Cults at WET”

Washington Ensemble Theatre’s new production, “Cowboys with Questions,” offers a solid start to their season. The play, written by local playwright Rebecca Tourino Collinsworth and directed by Suz Pontillo, tackles themes of community, faith, and leadership.

Set in a single underground, cave-like room, the play follows an isolated group led by George, a charismatic figure who seems to cheat death. Jesse Parce plays George convincingly, capturing the character’s allure and unsettling influence. He’s invincible after all – or so it seems. 

George provides the members who he has ‘sown” and cultivated to be part of his group with names of plants that can be harmful to human touch and consumption – names like Lantana, Larkspur, Bryony, and Moonseed. The cast members who take on those names deliver equally strong performances, creating a tense atmosphere within the group.

Ancient Themes

The story centers on the community’s rituals involving dangerous plants – specifically the potentially deadly nightshade. There appears to be some impending doom above that the group is shielding itself from – which is ultimately disrupted by a cowboy’s arrival who adds his own surprise twist to the tale.  Inspired by Euripides’ “The Bacchae” and modern cults, the play prompts viewers to consider the lengths people go to for belonging.

Washington Ensemble Theatre’s choice of play suits their space well. The intimate setting enhances the claustrophobic feel of the underground room and its mysterious tunnels. Despite the confined setting, the 90-minute performance (without intermission) maintains a good pace, helped by sharp dialogue and even some unexpected ’80s and ’90s music that the cowboy croons.

Once again, this production demonstrates Washington Ensemble Theatre’s knack for selecting interesting plays that work well in their space. While not perfect, “Cowboys with Questions” succeeds in blending ancient theatrical elements with modern concerns and offers a fun night out and a promising start to the company’s new season.