Chachi’s Pizza and Mix Tape Pasta Team Up for Dankest 420 Pop-Up

Chachi’s Pizza and Mix Tape Pasta come to the rescue with a pop-up on April 20
Mark your calendar for this 420 doubleheader at Good Day Donuts. On April 20, Mix Tape Pasta and Chachi’s Pizza have got everything you need (except the weed) to celebrate in style and curb your case of the munchies.
The two enjoy a li’l THC themselves so they will have an ample selection of Scooby snacks.
Dopest 420 Pizza and Pasta Pop-up
Chachi will be offering up his ‘glowed up’ version of a Red Baron deep dish frozen pizza using local Salt Blade charcuterie’s pepperoni, cured minutes from the chef’s Ravenna home.
Chachi’s play will come with parmesan and red pepper chili flake inside of lil OG weed bags.
“My personal goal with this is to share what 420 was to me growing up. In those days it was like striking gold when you were able to find a packet of Parmesan and chili flake left over in the drawer somewhere. It’s what I always had available every 420 to me. And if I didn’t have a pizza in my freezer, it was always available at 7-Eleven.”
Industry veteran, Megan Barone of Mixtape, will be working their gluten magic again. Megan promises “some of the dankest munchies you’ll find” including all things rigatoni, ravioli and even a taco Mac and Cheese – with homemade cheese and escabeche pico.
Both menus offer items starting at just 8 bucks, including an apple pie cheesecake lasagna and “no-tino’s” pizza rolls.
Baked or blazed, it sounds like the ultimate pizza and pasta pop-up.
Pick-ups for Chachi’s Pizza and Mix Tape Pasta pop-up start at 4:00 p.m. and end at sell-out.
Follow @chachispizzaco and @mixtapepasta on social for menus and ordering details that drop on April 15.