Ceramics and J-pop: Behind Tomo with Kanae Okuyama
Photo: Marcus Brown

Recently, while writing a profile on Tomo restaurant for Seattle Refined, I had the opportunity to interview several people who have been involved in creating such a singular experience for diners in White Center. Their stories were so rich that it was an almost impossible task to edit our conversations down to just a few lines in the final story.

So, without the constraints of story structure or word counts, I’m happy to share the full Q&A’s with some of the good souls I encountered while working on that article. Each one could easily be a story unto itself.    

Kanae Okuyama – Ceramicist, Design Director and fan of J-pop boy band, Arashi

Jenise Silva: I know you are ceramicist so what is your business name?

Kanae Okuyama: My business name is called k9momo pottery. I think K9 sounds like my name, Kanae.  And, Momo is the name of my beloved dog who passed away this past November.

JS: How did you become aware or get recruited to work at Tomo? And what were you doing before being recruited?

KO: I am lucky to have Akiko Graham as a very good friend and mentor. She’s quite an accomplished ceramicist. Akiko created plates and serve ware for Canlis and she introduced me to Brady [Williams] when he was executive chef at Canlis. I would see Brady from time to time at gatherings at Akiko’s home. We were “friends of friends” and then we became actual friends!  

Eventually, I found out that Brady was opening a new restaurant and that Akiko was making all of the dishes for the restaurant which I thought was really cool! Brady also approached me and asked if I could make some pottery pieces for Tomo as well. He was looking for some complimentary pieces to Akiko’s dishes.

I was so excited the opportunity – not only for my creations to be featured at Tomo, but also that they would be used alongside Akiko’s pieces! It was such an honor and a wonderful connection.

Tea & Coffee

I want to set the stage for you: I made pieces that are focused on serving tea and coffee. Akiko’s pieces are all white, while the pieces I made for them are all in blue glaze. I think it’s really cool that the only things in color at Tomo are my pottery pieces and the chef’s blue aprons!  

Tomo opened and I was lucky enough to dine there on opening night. I was happy to see how everything turned out, including my pottery being used at the restaurant for very first time!!! 

Check out more of Kanae’s work on Instagram

I also happened to help the Tomo team out when they were building the restaurant. I helped stain some of the wood panels on the walls. It was another one of those “friends of friends” moments. 

Naturally, I followed their Instagram accounts and I found out that they needed some extra help through an Instagram post. I jokingly replied to Jessica’s Instagram story asking “what about me?” She called me immediately and said YES!  So, I did a brief interview with them and started working there as a runner.

Before Tomo, I was senior design director at Nordstrom working on their private label brands. I was in charge of several Nordstrom brands and managed fashion designers. My background is in fashion design. I got laid off due to Covid. That was a tough time for a while as I had worked at Nordstrom for more than 20 years. As a hobby, I have been studying and practicing pottery for more than a decade. I used this transition time after Nordstrom and took the opportunity to turn my hobby into a business!

JS: Where besides Tomo do you like to visit in White Center?

KO: Pre-pandemic, I used to go to Roxbury Lanes. I even held my birthday party there. Also, my friend Akiko san’s studio is in White Center, so probably that’s the place I go the most in White Center.

JS: What is your “best/worst/funniest” memory of your work there so far?

KO: BEST:  Meeting young talented creative people who all work SO HARD and learning new things from them.  I love the attention to detail and that everyone pitches in to make everything run smoothly for customers. It’s amazing to see and be part of it. I love being part of this very cool team and I want to give my best to them!

WORST:  My worst memory is when I accidentally broke things… I always try to be careful, but I broke several wine glasses while polishing and restocking… It’s the worst feeling. ☹

FUNNIEST:  I am obsessed with a Japanese boy band called 嵐 (ARASHI). Jessica and Brady are aware of my obsession… One evening, somehow we were talking about them and they played a few of their songs during service. It was such a fun surprise! 

JS: What is your favorite Tomo family meal memory?

KO: I usually start working at 4 p.m.  And, family meal is happening as soon as I arrive.  So, I do eat really quickly so that I can start working. My favorite meal that I had so far was the meal made by chef Ash Stockham.  It’s Lentil curry with flat break filled with spinach and cheese!!!  I still dream about that meal.  So GOOD!

JS: What is your favorite dish or drink at Tomo?

KO: My favorite drink is called Momo. Bar director Greg put my favorite cocktail on the menu. Momo is a mezcal version of the modern classic the paper plane.

I fold origami planes to use as garnish.  And, Momo is named for my dachshund that passed away last November.  

My favorite dish is so hard!  My favorite was the scallop dish, but that’s gone.  I also loved a previous desert using Stasuma imo, but that dish is gone! 

JS: What, if anything, is something that has surprised you about working there or what have you learned?

KO: Every evening is so different and there is an invisible “vibe/energy”. If there are some quiet and low energy people, the entire restaurant takes over that vibe.  And when there are fun and happy people, that energy is so contagious that the entire place picks up that energy.  

When the energy is off, I tend to make mistakes, like breaking glasses!

JS: Anything else you’d care to share?

KO: Please continue to watch us (Tomo) as we evolve. The team is adding new ideas and making continuous improvements.  I am so proud to be a part of this hard working team!! (We have wine pairing now!  So cool!)

As for k9momo pottery, I have a potential project for a local cafe and shop that I’m really excited about. I also want to plan an open studio sale or participate in flea markets this spring or summer! (Oh, I also need to make a website for my business!)