Capitol Hill Block Party 2020 Cancelled

Capitol Hill Block Party for 2020 has been cancelled.

As previously reported, Capitol Hill Block Party was slated to take over Capitol Hill this summer. The popular fest brings together music from leading local, regional and national acts annually to Capitol Hill. Originally scheduled for July 17-19, the organizers just announced that Capitol Hill Block Party has been cancelled. The cancellation is due to the current situation with COVIC-19.

That has not stopped the planning for CHPB 2021. Officials have already set July 23-25 as the weekend to hold its popular music and arts festival next year.

The full statement from CHPB reads:

“Due to the current situation with COVID-19, Capitol Hill Block Party 2020 is unable to move forward as planned. Our top priority is the health and safety of our community, artists and attendees.

We hope everyone is being smart, responsible, and thinking of others during these unprecedented times. We have already put plans in motion for Capitol hill Block Party 2021 and have confirmed our dates, July 23-25 and cannot wait to celebrate arts and music together in a safe environment.

Stay home, stay safe. We got this Seattle. Good news, if you bought a ticket during the discounted early bird ticket runs for CHBP 2020 and want to use it for 2021, you can! All tickets will be honored, or you can contact Eventbrite and request a full refund.”

For additional information visit CHBP, where the countdown timer has sadly been reset to 469 days away and counting.