Behind the Bar with Travis Sanders
Travis Sanders

From Greenwood to Georgetown, Travis Sanders has spent the last 15 years behind the bar at various joints. He can certainly mix a mean drink, but for Sanders it all boils down to hospitality. The bottom line: Sanders wants people leaving his bar having had “a good time, good drinks and good food.”

Photo: Jenise Silva

As the bar manager at Rochambeau, Sanders sees it all as an art. You can mix a good cocktail, but if the service isn’t there or if the overall vibe is off, the experience ends up being less than the sum of its parts. 

 “A good bartender needs to be able to multitask, read a room, know what a guest wants better than they do,” Sanders waxed. “There’s a lot to bartending besides just knowing how to make a good martini.”

When it comes to his personal preferences, Sanders hits on a classic – the Negroni. “I love the balance between bitter and sweet vermouth. It’s fun to see what other bartenders do to create a fun variation too.” He’s also a big fan of the Bijou, a variation on the Negroni featuring green chartreuse. 

Sustainable and delicious

Sanders’ attention to hospitality and cocktail culture also extends to the kitchen, where he often draws inspiration from his Mexican heritage – a fact that is not lost on his corn cob infusion. Looking for a way to use the corn cobs after the kitchen used the corn kernels, Sanders hit on the idea to make an infusion, not only for the taste but for the sustainability of it all. “A savory cumin inspired syrup just sounded like a natural way to go, and savory cocktails are always a fun option on a menu.”

If you stop by his bar, Sanders is always up for a good story. He also loves to take a deep dive into cocktail history if you’re up for it. “Learning where certain cocktails came from, and how alcohol played a part in history got me hooked on being behind the bar. Sharing those facts and history with guests who want to learn gets me talking non-stop.”

Swing by, say hi and enjoy Sanders’ cocktail knowledge and hospitality. And by all means, order up one of his inspired infused cocktails.

Roasted corn cob infused tequila, Elote syrup (cumin, celery salt, cayenne) smoke bitters.

Read more about other Seattle Bartenders making their mark in Seattle.